Category Archives: revenge


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..walk in the rain so no one would see me crying.


the sky opened.

clouds drizzled rain

then ran at will

across my vein.

yes, there was pain.

it’s been there.

but i swear,

soon it will be clear

until the next rain

decants again.


Original page:

Neither shall I look in the eye
Nor draw a line closer to where you are.
I shall wait until you succumb and cry
For I love to watch you suffer from afar.


wake up

Original page:

wake up!

wake up

let me take you to pit stop

i already have you in half

you can’t keep your eyes wide shut


you can’t stop the pendulum

stare not or be gone

let me take you home

you’ll soon be dust n’ bone


wait until i come

no way you can run around

no need to be on guard

i’ll strike whenever i like



night fall

Original page:

night falls

i descend on my bed

there’s something in my head

asking me to go down and bleed.


can’t look at the sky

it burns my eyes

is it a sign?

is it time to die?




the other side of stone

Original page:

like a stone..


Be dumb.

Be mute.

Be blind.

You’ll be cursed.


Step back.

Stay behind.

Just hide.

You’ll be forgotten.


See no evil.

Speak no evil.

Think no evil.

You’ll be out of reach.


Like a stone.

That scares me now.



another war

Original page:

remain mutilated from afar..


shallow grave sinks on me

mortal soul remains empty

i shall see my destiny

in the eyes of my enemy


i walked past rivalries

poured blood to rinse the clouds

sniffed like a dog on lease

but remained beaten by the odds


i can taste the desert sand

there’s no where to hide

remain mutilated from a far

trigger no reason for another war